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NAACCR Webinar: v25 Updates: Solid Tumor Rules, SSDIs, and More!
Date: Friday, December 13
Time: 1:30 ET | 12:30 CT | 11:30 MT | 10:30 PT
Registration: https://naaccr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2c5WThNsTrC-KGMqjDZ5Tg
Cost: Free and open to everyone
CEs: 1.5 Category A
Topics to be covered:
- Review of the NAACCR v25 reference page
- Updates to the Solid Tumor Rules
- SSDIs and Grade manuals changes
- Enhancements to the Cancer PathCHART Search tool
- Overview of the pediatric staging initiative
Don't miss this opportunity to learn about these important updates!
A recording of the session will be posted to the NAACCR Education and Training (NET) Site

Jim Hofferkamp, ODS
NAACCR Program Manager of Education and Training