
V24A Edits Metafile has been posted

  • 1.  V24A Edits Metafile has been posted

    Posted 05-15-2024 10:20 AM

    The v24A NAACCR Edits Metafile has been posted at


    The v24A metafile is used by central registries and by standard setters to create custom edits metafiles. The NAACCR metafile is not for use by hospital registries.


    The v24A metafile includes new edits and corrections to edits included in the v24 metafile. A detailed list of new and changed edits are included in the Changes Spreadsheet v24-v24A. We have also posted changes to standard to the standard setter edit sets. Please note that edits that edits highlighted in red have been removed from the NAACCR metafile and should be removed from most central registry metafiles.


    Central registries are strongly encouraged to update their current v24 metafile with the v24A changes and post an updated v24A metafile to the NAACCR Edits Clearinghouse


    A webinar for central registry edits metafile administrators will be presented on May 21, 2024 at 2ET. During this webinar we will discuss changes to the metafile, the process for updating a v24 metafile to a v24a metafile, how to post a central registry specific metafile to the NAACCR Edits Clearinghouse, and our updated manual for central registry edits metafile administrators. The webinar will be recorded and posted to the NAACCR Edits page.


    Registration is available at


    Jim Hofferkamp

    Program Manager of Education and Training

    NAACCR Edits Metafile Administrator

    NAACCR, Inc