
Urge Your Senators to Support - Advocacy Campaign through September 29th

  • 1.  Urge Your Senators to Support - Advocacy Campaign through September 29th

    Posted 09-19-2023 11:08 AM



    Urge Your Senators to Support

    Accurate Cancer Statistics for Veterans


    The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) and our partners are working for the passage of legislation to ensure that all cancer cases among veterans are reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities to state and regional cancer registries. This will lead to more accurate national statistics and help identify cancer-related disparities in the veterans' community; improve understanding of the cancer-related needs of veterans; and increase opportunities for veterans with cancer to be included in clinical trials, cancer-related research, and analysis.


    Be an advocate and support cancer registrars and registries by sending our letter to your Senators at the link below!







    Lori A. Swain, MS
    Executive Director
    National Cancer Registrars Association &
    NCRA Education Foundation
    1330 Braddock Place; Suite 520
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    Phone: 703-299-6640 x 313
    Fax: 703-299-6620