
Upcoming NAACCR Talk: Calculating Tract-Based Rates

  • 1.  Upcoming NAACCR Talk: Calculating Tract-Based Rates

    Posted 01-07-2025 02:17 PM

    Join us for an NAACCR Talk: Calculating Tract-Based Rates in SEER*Stat on January 27, 2025, at 2pm ET.


    This "How To" webinar is the NAACCR Version 24 update for creating census tract-level SEER*Stat databases to support spatial analysis and health equity research. This presentation will go through step by step how to handle the NAACCR Version 24 incidence data, census tract-level population estimates, and the area-based social measures data. Mortality data will also be touched on. This webinar is appropriate for registry analysts, academic researchers, and anyone interested in the use of cancer registry data.


    Registration is free:

    CE: N/A



    Chris Johnson, MPH

    Epidemiologist, Cander Data Registry of Idaho


    Steve Scoppa, BS

    Senior Systems Analyst, Information Management Services, Inc



    Angela Martin, ODS-C

    Trainer/Project Coordinator

    NAACCR, Inc.

    Phone: 217-698-0800 ext. 9


    Education and Training Website: