Katmai Government Services currently has a Senior Business Analyst job vacancy in support of CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC).
This remote position provides support to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health and Human Service (HHS) / Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) / Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC). Under the direction of the project manager, this position provides public health informatics, cancer registry, IT software development, and scientific expertise to implement standardized electronic reporting of cancer case reports to central cancer registry systems, including as part of Meaningful Use (MU) of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems.
To apply for this position and to view the job description, please go to Deltek Talent Management - Senior Business Analyst - (2604) (hrsmart.com).
Please reach to Ian McClendon - vid8@cdc.gov for any questions about this position.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES for the position: Provide guidance and support in establishing the base cloud platform/architecture and necessary environments to support the services, interfaces, and database layers needed to achieve automated, centralized, real-time cancer registry reporting. - Implement electronic cancer registry reporting.
- Coordinate with national and regional pathology laboratories.
- Review and provide guidance to laboratories on HL7 v. 2.5.1 ORU message development.
- Work alongside CDC staff to develop and maintain a governance process based on best practices and guidelines.
- Define standards and guidelines for CS-CBCP by researching best practices.
- Identify and document technical and functional requirements for CS-CBCP.
- Evaluate and select a cloud environment from a cloud provider.
- Enhance and maintain CS-CBCP environments to support Web Plus services.
- Enhance and maintain CS-CBCP environments to support pathology and physician reporting services.
- Provide resources to APHL AIMS Platform to complete establishing connectivity and testing developed services.
- Work remotely alongside Eastern time zone (Atlanta).
Thank you, Ian
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Ian McClendon, MS, PMP, CSM
Project Manager
Katmai Government Services
Cancer Surveillance Branch
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
vid8@cdc.gov | (m) (404)-953-3180