
SEER 2020 Completeness Adjustment

  • 1.  SEER 2020 Completeness Adjustment

    Posted 10-17-2022 04:39 PM
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    As mentioned in the August NAACCR Narrative, NAACCR, SEER and NPCR have been collaborating for many months regarding the true impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on completeness estimates for the 2020 diagnosis year. SEER completed an extensive analysis of the estimated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on incidence. They notified their registries that they will be adjusting registry completeness estimates by 10.86% to account for the decrease in cases. Please see attached for an overview of the method and rationale.


    Both NPCR and NAACCR will analyze the 24-month submission data using several methods to determine possible adjustments to their completeness methods. All three organizations will continue to collaborate to ensure the best approach.


    If you have any questions about the presentation, please reach out to Karen Knight at  


    Karen Knight

    Chief of Registry Development

    North American Association of Central Cancer Registries

    2050 West Iles Ave., Suite A, Springfield, IL 62704 


    Telephone: 217-698-0800 Ext. 119

    Fax: 217-698-0188