
  • 1.  Rutgers U. seeking PTL

    Posted 02-06-2023 04:34 PM

    Seeking Part Time Lecturer for CTR training at Rutgers University 


    Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 

    Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy 

    Undergraduate Public Health Program 


    The Edward J. Bloustein School at Rutgers University is seeking a part time lecturer (PTL) to teach two new cancer surveillance courses that are core requirements for a recently created Certificate in Cancer Surveillance that the program in undergraduate public health is launching in Fall, 2023. The certificate program will prepare undergraduate students and applicants to a standalone program for entry-level jobs in both central and hospital cancer registries and to be competitive for related jobs in the cancer surveillance field. It seeks to prepare the student to take the national CTR exam but also offers students the opportunity to gain skills and understanding that will strengthen their understanding of epidemiology, registry management and analytics within the cancer surveillance field. 

    Course Descriptions

    • Cancer Surveillance I is a 4 credit, online course that explores the purpose and types of cancer registries; their structure and management; principles of cancer surveillance data acquisition and curation; and related policies governing privacy, confidentiality, and security. It is the first segment of two that helps lay the foundation for students interested in sitting for the CTR national exam.
    • Cancer Surveillance II is also 4 credits and runs sequentially after the first course. It covers advanced topics in cancer surveillance data acquisition and management; central registry operations; cancer staging and site-specific prognostic indicators; data quality considerations; and the application of cancer surveillance in public health.  It is the second segment of two that helps lay the foundation for students interested in sitting for the CTR national exam.

    Course Design

    • Fully developed syllabi are available for both courses, but the instructor will need to develop the online modules using the CANVAS Learning Management System. Supportive services are available to assist in the development of the course materials with the help of an in-house instructional technology specialist. The course mode of delivery is asynchronous, but instructors may add some synchronous class meetings as needed. 


    • A master's degree in epidemiology, public health, health administration or a related field and standing as a Certified Tumor Registrar are required for this position. The courses cover a range of topics within the cancer surveillance field, from medical record abstraction to data utilization, so senior level experience in both central and hospital cancer registries is desirable. Managerial experience in central cancer registries and some teaching or instructional experience is important.  Because the courses are asynchronous (remote), you do not need to reside in New Jersey to apply for this position
    If interested or if you have any questions, please email me at (and please include your resume) Thanks 

    Ann Marie Hill, MBA

    Associate Professor of Practice

    Edward J. Bloustein School of Policy and Planning

    Rutgers, The State University
