The nomination portal is open! The NAACCR Nominating Committee is seeking nominees to run for election to four key leadership roles on the NAACCR Board of Directors that open in 2023, or on the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee.
- Do you have areas of knowledge and expertise or ideas you'd like to share with the larger cancer registry community?
- Through your participation on committees or workgroups, have you met others from central cancer registries who are continually devoted to the work at hand?
- Have you collaborated with folks who seem to always ask the right questions or often have creative and valid solutions to our challenges?
If you answer yes to any of these questions – the NAACCR Nominating Committee asks you to consider nominating a qualified colleague, or yourself, for one of these important positions
· Treasurer. This is a two-year term.
· Three (3) Representative-At-Large positions. These are two-year terms.
· Three (3) Nominating Committee members. These are one-year terms.
All positions will be elected by NAACCR members. For additional information on duties and eligibility and the Nomination Form, go to
The deadline for receipt of nomination forms is 5:00 PM ET Friday, December 9, 2022.
For decades, NAACCR has been a unique and innovative partner in the ever-changing cancer surveillance world and a strong and diverse leadership is essential. NAACCR recognizes that it is fortunate to have knowledgeable and devoted members who volunteer in various capacities including committees and workgroups. One of the many important ways that volunteers contribute to NAACCR is by serving on the Board of Directors. Through guiding existing programs and identifying future opportunities, Board members play a pivotal role in governing NAACCR affairs and moving the organization forward. If you would like to get more involved but have limited time, serving on the Nominating Committee may be a perfect way for you to contribute.
Nominating Committee Members:
Devbani Raha, MS (Chair)
Nova Scotia Health, Cancer Care Program
Heather Stabinsky, MSEd, CTR
New Jersey State Cancer Registry
April Austin, MS
New York State Cancer Registry