Sent on behalf of Joe Rogers
Date: May 31, 2022
To: NAACCR ListServ Members
From: Joseph D. Rogers, M.S.
Team Lead: Informatics, Data Science, and Applications Team
Cancer Surveillance Branch
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, NCCDPHP, CDC
Subject: Release of CDC NPCR's Abstract Plus Version 5.0 with NAACCR 22
We are very pleased to announce that Abstract Plus Version v5.0 with NAACCR V220 is now available! This update for Abstract Plus includes the NAACCR Version 22 implementation requirements, numerous bug fixes, and enhancements.
An enhancement to ease customization of the software and distribution of those customizations to end users is being implemented with this version. The new feature will allow registries to create displays, select edits, add fields and lookups, all from within the user interface of Abstract Plus. The full customization can then be exported to a .zip file using a tool within the application directory. This customization file can then be distributed and imported by any user who has the generic version of Abstract Plus installed in a matter of a few mouse clicks. Instructions will be included in the User's Guide, as well as a separate document, in your download package.
Abstract Plus v5.0 with NAACCR 22 continues to incorporate the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) designed to support cancer registry staging for cases diagnosed in 2018 and later. The library incorporates content from AJCC's electronic content and SEER*RSA. CDC's NPCR has obtained a license to use the copyrighted contents in Registry Plus products. The license covers text in the manual, including descriptions of the categories and stage groups. Use of the actual categories and stage groups themselves does not require a license. Conditions of CDC's license restricts use to NPCR central registries and the facilities and providers that use Registry Plus products to report to the central registry.
As a condition of the license, CDC has agreed to document who receives the licensed content and to inform recipients of the license restrictions. CDC will maintain a list of the central registries that receive Abstract Plus v5.0 with NAACCR 22, and those registries will be required to document names of all of the facilities and providers to whom they provide Abstract Plus. The central registry should also inform all of the recipients that, as a condition of use of Abstract Plus, they must not further distribute the software or allow anyone to copy any of the copyrighted contents.
The link below will help you determine if your state Central Registry is eligible for the licensed version of Registry Plus products and provides the point of contact if needed. Many states have customized builds that contain state specific data items and/or state specific edit metafiles. Please confirm you are receiving the correct build if this is the case with your State Central Registry support staff.
CDC will be creating an alternative release of Abstract Plus v5.0 that omits the copyrighted contents, for distribution to the public via the CDC website and to users that are not part of NPCR-funded registries. This release will still have the staging function and site-specific drop-down lists of codes but no descriptions or explanatory text. Users will need to refer to a printed copy of the AJCC manual for coding assistance.
CDC's ability to license TNM content of later editions will depend on careful adherence to licensing restrictions by CDC's NPCR staff and all users. We request your help keeping NPCR compliant with the licensing requirements.
ALL requests for Abstract Plus version 5.0 should be sent to the Cancer Informatics Helpdesk at
Please share this information with other members of your team, as appropriate.
Thank you,