The Cancer Pathology Coding Histology And Registration Terminology (Cancer PathCHART) initiative has released the 2024 Cancer PathCHART ICD-O-3 Site Morphology Validation List (CPC SMVL). These tumor site-morphology combination standards for cancer surveillance in North America can be freely downloaded today by cancer registration software vendors and other end users at . The four easily consumed, computer-readable file formats are CSV, XLSX, XML, and JSON.
Note: For cases diagnosed as of January 1, 2024, the 2024 CPC SMVL replaces both the ICD-O-3 SEER Site/Histology Validation List and the list of impossible site and histology combinations included in the Primary Site, Morphology-Imposs ICDO3 (SEER IF38) edit. The CPC SMVL will serve as the basis for the newly added Primary Site, Morphology-Type, Beh ICDO3 2024 (N7040) edit, which checks for valid, unlikely and impossible site, histology, behavior combinations.
Registrars should communicate with their registry software vendors to understand how the CPC SMVL will be implemented in their abstracting systems.
For more information, please visit
Alison L. Van Dyke, MD, PhD, FCAP
Data Quality, Analysis, & Interpretation Branch
Surveillance Research Program
Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
9609 Medical Center Drive, 4e348
Rockville, MD 20850
240-276-6039 (p)
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