The NAACCR Secondary Data Sharing Task Force is pleased to share the attached Secondary Data Sharing Fact Sheet. This document is intended to be an initial resource for cancer registries and researchers alike as they navigate NIH requirements for secondary sharing of data collected by funded studies. This fact sheet, and other future resources related to secondary data sharing, will be posted to the following website: .
Please also Save-the-Date for Wednesday, March 29th from 1-2:30 Eastern, when NAACCR will host a webinar on Secondary Data Sharing. We look forward to engaging with the NAACCR community around this important topic!
Castine Clerkin, MS, CTR
Program Manager, Virtual Pooled Registry
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc.
NAACCR Executive Office
(217) 698-0800 x110;
250 W. Iles Avenue, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704