
Job posting: Director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry

  • 1.  Job posting: Director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry

    Posted 01-23-2024 04:03 PM

    Hello All,


    Are you interested in shaping the future of cancer surveillance and contributing to a population-based cancer research agenda in Massachusetts? Are you committed to advancing equitable and comprehensive cancer data practices in state, national, and international cancer surveillance efforts?

    Join our team as the next Director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry. We are looking for an experienced public health professional to lead and provide strategic vision and leadership that will be crucial in facilitating statewide cancer reporting and modernizing of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry (MCR). As the Director, you will be essential in leading a dynamic team and representing MCR on national and international committees.

    Join us in shaping the future of cancer surveillance efforts and making a lasting impact on public health.
    #cancerresearch #registry #cancersurveillance







    Nancy Klein



    Nancy Klein, BS, ODS-Certified

    Manager of Operations

    Massachusetts Cancer Registry

    Massachusetts Department of Public Health

    250 Washington St

    Boston, Ma. 02108

    Email Nancy.Klein@Mass.Gov

    Cell (781) 964-2482