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25th Arkansas Cancer Summit and Awards Banquet with the virtual 21st Clearing the Air in Communities of Color Conference
25 years! This year, we celebrate 25 years of the Arkansas Cancer Summit. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the village that has marched with us in the fight to create a cancer-free Arkansas. Join us for the 21st Clearing the Air in Communities of Color Conference followed by a special awards evening in recognition of our cancer and tobacco control stars!
Dates and registration are as follows:
- Wednesday, May 8, 2024| 9:00am to 1.15pm| Via Zoom: 21st Clearing the Air in Communities of Color Conference (Via Zoom)
- Wednesday, May 8, 2024|5.00pm|Little Rock Marriot: Awards Banquet
- Thursday, May 9, 2024| 7.30am to 3.15pm| Little Rock Marriot: 25th Arkansas Cancer Summit
For a limited time only, enjoy a special Solar Eclipse Discount on your registration costs! This offer ends on April 8, 2024.
Cancer Summit Registration Code - ECLIPSE2024
Nonprofit Exhibitor & For Profit Exhibitor Code - ECLIPSE2024EXHIBITOR
Kind regards,
Lindsay M. Collins, MPA
ADH Public Health Administrator, Cancer Registry Director
Health Statistics Branch | Arkansas Central Cancer Registry
Arkansas Department of Health
4815 W. Markham, Slot 7, Little Rock, AR 72205
Office: 501.661.2463 | Email:

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