Forum - Strategies for Data Quality

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  • 1.  ICD-10 to ICD-O-3 code

    Posted 08-28-2024 08:12 AM


    Has anyone already written code to convert ICD-10 to ICD-O-3 primary site/histology? I started writing some in SAS but wanted to check if it's already out there and I could save some time. For context, I'm trying to compare potential second tumors found in our state mortality file to our database, as suggested on page 56 of the death clearance manual.


    Julie (

    Julie Cleaton

  • 2.  RE: ICD-10 to ICD-O-3 code

    Posted 08-29-2024 08:16 AM

    SEER has ICD Conversion programs in Excel and midway on the page includes ICD-O-3: 

    Lori Havener

  • 3.  RE: ICD-10 to ICD-O-3 code

    Posted 09-24-2024 02:37 PM
      |   view attached

    Thanks to those who sent resources! I ended up getting help from a coworker to convert Appendix E in the death clearance manual to an excel file using ChatGPT, then did some manual cleaning to separate the ranges. Then ChatGPT and I wrote SAS code to flag if cases in our database matched to our state death file's ICD-10 codes, which decreased the number for manual review by about a third. Attached are what I used in case it can help anyone else- it probably isn't perfect, so please let me know if you use it and find issues.


    Julie Cleaton, MPH | Public Health Data Analyst

    Alaska Department of Health | Division of Public Health

    Health Analytics & Vital Records | Alaska Cancer Registry

    3601 C Street, Suite 250, Anchorage, AK 99503 | Email: | DSM: | 907-269-8047

