
FCRA's 44th Annual Virtual Educational Conference -- Registration Open

  • 1.  FCRA's 44th Annual Virtual Educational Conference -- Registration Open

    Posted 07-25-2022 11:16 AM

    Dear Colleagues,

    You are invited to the 44th Annual Florida Cancer Registrars Association (FCRA) Educational Conference, which will be held virtually, over two half-days on Monday, August 1st and Tuesday, August 2nd.


    Please see our program for full details and to register for the sessions for FREERegister at


    We will be using ZOOM as our webinar provider. 


    If you have any questions, please email Marcia Hodge at or NaQuisha Wilson at


    Looking forward to "seeing" you then!




    FCRA Public Relations/Editor



    Jennie Jones MSHI-HA, CHDA, CTR

    Director, Cancer Registry

    Moffitt Cancer Center

    12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612 | tel:  813-745-4091 | fax:  813- 387-7017 | email:



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