Hello! Join us for our Kickoff NAACCR Epi "Hour" on Monday, October 22nd, at 2 pm Eastern.
The Epi "Hour" is a recurring networking and information session for central registry analysts.
These 90-minute meetings are for central registry analysts to come together to network, share ideas, and increase communication about research and data use. These meetings are intended to be informal and interactive.
For our first meeting, we will have a short agenda and will focus on getting to know each other. Please come prepared to provide input on future topics or training needs. Our kickoff meeting will be led by Dr. Paige Miller, Epi Team Manager for the Texas Cancer Registry and Angela Eckstrand, Manager of the Alberta Cancer Registry. Please register here: https://naaccr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrd-6gqjotG9VJtHFZ0FTj9F-fabzbzpwE
Subsequent meetings will be topic based. Our second Epi "Hour" will be after Call for Data (Dec 9th) and focused on Data Visualization.
Important Note! This is the last time the Epi "Hour" announcement will be sent via the general listserv. Please update your MyNAACCR account to include Research and Data Use as an interest to make sure you continue to receive RDU related communication.
Have a lovely day, -Recinda
Recinda Sherman, MPH, PhD, ODS-C
Program Manager, Data Use & Research
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries

Website: www.naaccr.org
Phone: (217) 698-0800 ext. 6
Address: 2050 W. Iles, Suite A, Springfield, IL 62704-4194