
Cancer Survival Course Announcement

  • 1.  Cancer Survival Course Announcement

    Posted 13 days ago

    Sent on behalf of the Cancer Survival Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine:


    The Cancer Survival Group will be running its 18th annual course on Cancer Survival: Principles, Methods and Applications at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine during the week of 7-11 July 2025. This is a full-time, in-person course. Some NAACCR members attended a three-day version of the course in Boise ID during the annual NAACCR meeting in June 2024.


    Faculty will include Professor Paul Dickman (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden), Professor Maja Pohar Perme (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), with Professor Claudia Allemani and Professor Michel Coleman (LSHTM) and other members of the Cancer Survival Group.


    The course is focused on estimation and real-world applications of cancer survival. It covers the theory, the formulae, and statistical modelling, but it also covers cancer registration, data quality control, and other cancer metrics such as incidence, mortality, cure and prevalence, as well as international and world-wide comparisons of survival, and the public health and policy implications of trends and inequalities in cancer survival. Over the years, the course has welcomed participants from more than 60 countries, from Myanmar to Canada and the USA, from Iceland to Argentina, New Zealand to the Russian Federation, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.


    For more details, the course leaflet and how to apply, click here. The course fee is £1,627 (about US$2,000, CDN$2,900). Current Masters students and Research Degree students may apply for a 50% discount.



    Karen Knight

    Executive Director

    North American Association of Central Cancer Registries

    2050 West Iles Ave., Suite A, Springfield, IL 62704 |Phone: 217-698-0800 Ext. 119