As NCRA continues to a dvocate for US Senate Bill 1994 Counting Veterans' Cancer Act, we are asking NAACCR members to join us to help from your desktop! NCRA is launching our "grassroots" advocacy campaign Advocacy Now where you will be able to simply follow a link from the NCRA Advocacy Now action page and send out messages in support of S.1994 to your US Senators!
The Campaign will run Monday, September 18 through Friday, September 29. Look for a Listserv announcement on September 18th with the link that you can follow to take action and help get S.1994 passed!
Meanwhile, our thanks to the many NAACCR members joining NCRA members next week in our 15 scheduled live "virtual" meetings with US Senators to draw support for the bill. We will share an update in early October on the outcomes of those meetings and on the Advocacy Now effort.
Lori A. Swain, MS
Executive Director
National Cancer Registrars Association &
NCRA Education Foundation
1330 Braddock Place; Suite 520
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-299-6640 x 313
Fax: 703-299-6620