
Job Announcement: Arkansas Central Cancer Registry

  • 1.  Job Announcement: Arkansas Central Cancer Registry

    Posted 10-04-2022 03:47 PM
    Edited by Monica Thornton 10-04-2022 03:46 PM

    Job Announcement


    The Arkansas Central Cancer Registry is seeking an ADH Certified Tumor Registrar Manager. This position is responsible for evaluating data quality, performing audits, and managing a state-wide education program. For more information and to apply, please visit


    Position Number: 22180816

    Posting End Date: 10/17/22 

    Anticipated Starting Salary:  $69,775.89
    Center for Public Health Practice – Cancer Registry

    Contact: Lindsay Collins, (501) 661-2463,


    We look forward to hearing from you!



    Lindsay M. Collins, MPA

    ADH Public Health Administrator, Cancer Registry Director

    Health Statistics Branch | Arkansas Central Cancer Registry

    Arkansas Department of Health

    Office: 501.661.2463




    PHAB Accreditation - North Central Health District North ... A red and white logo  Description automatically generated with low confidence


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